Language Testing and
Assessment Services



Language Testing and

Assessment Services

Assessing Bilingual Fluency with Ease

LAUSD’s Language Testing and Assessment Program offers thorough and accurate bilingual fluency assessments in a wide range of languages. Our tests are developed by highly qualified subject matter experts along with in-house test development specialists, and are validated against standards derived from both within and outside of our organization. Additionally, our assessment team is comprised of well-trained and experienced raters for accurate results.  

What We Offer

(Listening & Speaking) 

The oral test evaluates the candidate’s ability to listen and speak in a second language. It assesses the candidate’s ability to verbally translate from English to a second language and vice versa.  

Our Oral Tests: 

  • evaluate the candidate’s vocabulary, sentence structure, usage, inclusion/exclusion of information, and written translation accuracy. 
  • assess the candidate’s fluency on a variety of content domains, making it appropriate for  testing employees in a wide variety of occupations. 


(Listening & Speaking) 

The oral test evaluates the candidate’s ability to listen and speak in a second language. It assesses the candidate’s ability to verbally translate from English to a second language and vice versa.  

Our Bilingual Written Tests: 

  • evaluate the candidate’s vocabulary, sentence structure, usage, inclusion/exclusion of information, and written translation accuracy. 
  • assess the candidate’s fluency on a variety of content domains, making it appropriate for  testing employees in a wide variety of occupations. 

(Reading & Writing)

The oral test evaluates the candidate's ability to listen and speak in a second language. It assesses the candidate's ability to verbally translate from English to a second language and vice versa.

Our Written tests:

  • evaluate the candidate's vocabulary, sentence structure, usage, inclusion / exclusion of information, and written translation accuracy.
  • assess the candidate's fluency on a variety of content domains, making it appropriate for testing employees in a wide variety of occupations.


(Reading & Writing)

The oral test evaluates the candidate's ability to listen and speak in a second language. It assesses the candidate's ability to verbally translate from English to a second language and vice versa.

Our Bilingual Written tests:

  • evaluate the candidate's vocabulary, sentence structure, usage, inclusion / exclusion of information, and written translation accuracy.
  • assess the candidate's fluency on a variety of content domains, making it appropriate for testing employees in a wide variety of occupations.

Learn More About Our Testing Services

All tests are scored by well-trained evaluators who are highly proficient in the language being assessed.  Tests are scored using the Interagency Language (ILR) rating scale, a scale developed by the Federal Government’s Inter-Agency Language Roundtable and used by many governmental agencies. 

Turn-around time for scoring is typically within 5 business days and results are provided directly to the requesting agency.  

Our tests are available in several formats which allows our customers maximum flexibility.  

ON-LINE: Our written tests are available on-line; oral tests may be virtually recorded and scored as well.  

ON-SITE:  All tests can be conducted in-person at our site if desired.  

  • $90 Listening & Speaking OR Reading & Writing
  • $170 Listening & Speaking AND Reading & Writing


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