Special Education Teacher and Deaf Education

Special Education Teacher, Deaf Education

Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH) services are provided for eligible students with a documented hearing loss that negatively impacts communication skills and/or access to the core curriculum. They include students with an impairment in hearing, whether permanent or fluctuating but not temporary, that adversely affects his/her educational performance as well as those with a hearing impairment so severe that, with or without amplification, he/she is impaired in processing linguistic information.

The Deaf Education Program seeks Teachers of the Deaf to work with students
with various hearing levels in both the general and alternate curriculums. 

*Deaf is an umbrella term encompassing identities that may change over time and place, including Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Deafblind, Deaf Disabled, & Late-Deafened.

  1. Please email the Deaf Education Program Coordinator to notify that your on-line application has been completed. Please attach a current resume, letter of interest, and letters of recommendation (2-3) to that email.
  2. Once your application has been submitted and requested documents have been received, you will be contacted to schedule an interview with the Deaf Education Program.
  3. Contact the Coordinator of Deaf Education Program with any questions you may have at Janette.duran@lausd.net